Thursday, May 31, 2012

Texas trip and the desperate need for mommy time

Sam and I have been away for the last couple of weeks visiting family and friends in Texas.  It was the first trip Sam and I took by ourselves.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Then again, it was only a 2.5 hour plane ride.  We had a great time.  I attended a wedding with my mom, took Sam to Fort Worth zoo, and met up with Benilda and her 3-year old daughter Elliana. Sam got to meet relatives he's never met before.  He saw his grandma, cousin John, and Auntie Bhel from Hawaii.  All in all, it was a good trip, but we were glad to come back and be with Josh after two weeks.

Here are some photos from our trip:

 The Inay family

 All dressed up at the wedding

 Sam and Uncle John

 Stuck in a hole at Nordstrom

 At Fort Worth zoo with Grandma and Great grandparents

 With Grandma

 With Uncle John 

 Having a laugh with mommy

 Big smiles!

 With Elliana

With Auntie Benilda, Elliana, and Nana

With the events of the past two weeks, some adjustments were again in order for Sam.  While in Texas, we had issues with eating, and right after coming back, we're having some woes with sleeping.  Sam has been through so many changes lately that, although frustrated, I can't say I blame him.  His environment changes so often, the place, time, and people around him seems different and new at least every month.  I haven't been able to give him the consistency and stability that he probably needs while growing up.  But that's the hardship we have to face since our families are in so many different places.

Tonight is the first night in a while that Sam's gone to bed before 10 pm.  It took an hour to get him to finally fall asleep.  In the past two months, we have been battling not only with him going to sleep early, but also to get him to sleep through the night in his own bed.  Needless to say, this mommy feels like she is taking care of Sam 24-hours a day.  I shouldn't complain because I know that all of these are short lived.  I know someday he will no longer want his mommy, much less need her.  However, I have noticed that not having a break or the time for myself has kept my patience short and my tolerance even shorter.  So tonight, I am grateful to have this time to myself to write this blog.  

I hope that in the next couple of days, that Sam will finally get into a rhythm and give his poor mommy a break before insanity kicks in.  I fear though, that it will also be short lived because we are bound to Hawaii again in July.  The joys of traveling.  Sigh.

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