Friday, September 14, 2012

Renovation progress

About six months ago, Josh started renovating our kitchen. It has been a long and arduous process.  To be honest, I didn't like the house when Josh decided to buy it.  Not only because I wasn't there to see the house for myself, but I disliked the fact that it was this horrible yellow inside the entire house and that there's only 1 bathroom to share among 3 bedrooms upstairs.  But Josh wanted the house, and he liked the location, and that we had a small budget to work with, the fact that I can't be included in the purchase because I lived in Hawaii then...well, I didn't have much of a say.  So as a good wife, I supported his decision to purchase the house.

The first time I stepped into the house, I was thoroughly dismayed.  It was not at all what I expected.  I don't claim to be the cleanest person in the world.  But I could swear that the previous owners were the filthiest people I haven't and never wish to meet.  Suffice it to say, I spend several months going from room to room cleaning the entire house to a point where I can say I am comfortable to live in it.

One of the major areas that I pressed and prodded Josh to renovate is the kitchen.  I'm not going to go into details, but the kitchen was pretty nasty.  We agreed to renovate when we get our tax return.  We didn't get much in refund but thank goodness for Home Depot.  So here is the kitchen before (these are pictures Josh took before he purchased the house:

 And these are the pictures after our renovation:

It's still a work in progress.  It's hard for Josh to find time to finish it between work, school, and Sam.  But it's more than what i could wish for.  I'm still working on organizing it, especially the pantry but in time, everything will be where I want them to be.

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